About me

As a Neuro-Linguistic Programming Trainer, I believe in the extraordinary power within every individual to rewrite their own Life's Script. Just as language shapes thought, and thought shapes action, NLP offers the keys to unlocking the limitless potential that resides within. Together, let's sculpt a masterpiece of transformation, where every belief is a brushstroke, and every goal is a stroke of genius."

“As a Life Coach, I witness the magic that unfolds when individuals embrace their journey of self-discovery. Guiding others to navigate challenges, set bold goals, and transform their lives is not just a profession but a privilege. Coaching is the art of illuminating the path to greatness, where every breakthrough is a testament to the infinite possibilities that lie within each courageous soul.”

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Hello, My name is Biplab Kumar Prasad.  I an NLP Master Practitioner along with it I also have a NLP Trainers Training Certification. My mission in life is to empower my Trainees so that they can realize the tremendous potentiality with which they are all born with. Our greatest strength lies in proper and positive use of our internal resources. Our  Internal resources are our Thoughts, Feelings, Beliefs Experiences  and our Self-Image, I have written the book “Discover The Genius In Yourself: Step By Step Guide  To Harness Excellence”.

My upcoming books are Embrace Confidence, Structure of Confidence and Ace Interviews & Group Discussions with the latest Technology of NLP&MSP. The prime purpose of writing this books is to empower younger generation so that they have the latest techniques to deal with the problems or the challenges of life. I would like to thank Mr R.Ramesh Prasad(Onefluencer) and Ms. Sue Knight(Author of NLP at Work) for their guidance and support. I learnt to sing and dance which is sign of flexibility in life.

I would like to thank Dr. Bhavana Nissima Director of Mental Space Academy India. I would also like to thank Dr Lukas Derks pioneer of Society for Mental Space Academy for writing innumerable books on Mental Space Psychology. For the past three I am living in complete awareness of my Self-Image.

I would like to thank Dr. Bhavana Nissima Director of Mental Space Academy India. I would also like to thank Dr Lukas Derks pioneer of Society for Mental Space Academy for writing innumerable books on Mental Space Psychology. For the past three I am living in complete awareness of my Self-Image.

loved training & coaching and when I was doing My MBA I started reading NLP(Neuro Linguistic Programming) books. I was the best Presenter of my MBA class. After completing my MBA I became Soft Skills Trainer and I worked with Synergy Group of Institutes, Tata Strive, Mahindra Pride, Macmillan Education etc.

Working as a Soft Skills Trainer was  disappointment for me neither your knowledge nor skills matter . An average Indian Soft Skills Trainer does not have any idea of the Five Stages of Learning also .As such how they will facilitate in skills acquisition God Knows? I opted for a career in Training as it is  my passion and slowly I started working as FreeLancer and taking my own Training and Coaching session. 

Education is primarily  the discover of self and  the secondary function of Education is learning about the world means learning the different Subjects. Our Educational Institutions hardly pay any attention to the primary function of Education. As such we if we want to transform ourself or excel in chosen area of endeavor we need the services of  a Coach.

Neuro Linguistic Programming and Mental Space Psychology is the latest technology  and the potent one which has the ability to Transform.

W.Clement Stone said ” Educational Institutions are Temples of living God?. The context in which he said is absolutely true if we know our structure of success or failure it will us to achieve our goals.

We should move towards our structure of  success and we should consciously move away from structure of failure. 

The statement of W,Clement Stone can never be true for Universities in India specially north India. North India specially around the National Capital Area.

I was a  athlete in School and College like athletic in training also the objective is Peak Performance. As such any training or coaching session must culminate in Peak Performance of the Trainees or Coachees. 

Charles Garfield has written a book on Peak Performance which highlights the mental make or simulation of  Sportsmen like them we can also measure our progress as well stimulate so that we can Perform well in our area of endeavor

Our Beliefs are our best friend they will never betray us , if  someone really believes he can do something he will do it  and if he believes that something is impossible no amount of effort will convince that it will be accomplished.

There  are certain Limiting Believes like I am a victim, I don’t deserve it, I am not strong enough, It is too late now can limit a person from utilizing their internal resources and unconscious competence.



Your mind is a vast landscape of untapped potential, and with Neuro-Linguistic Programming, we hold the key to unlocking the extraordinary within. Embrace the power of your own neurology, reshape your language, and witness the profound transformation that awaits. In the words of possibility, Richard Bandler, co-founder of NLP, reminds us: 'The greatest personal breakthroughs occur by changing how you think.'"
Biplab Kumar Prasad